We featured eight biotech startups in the last three month of 2021, working on a range new approaches to tackling major diseases. You can find out more about the companies in the summaries below, or go to the VentureRadar Database to find thousands more biotech companies similar to these ones.
Resalis Therapeutics
Resalis Therapeutics is focused on the development of antisense oligonucleotide (ASO) therapies to treat metabolic disorders, including MAFLD/NAFLD/NASH, obesity, and cancer. Resalis is applying LNA (locked nucleic acid) technology to inhibit miR-22 activity and restore a healthy homeostat in livers affected by metabolic disorders…. [Read full post] [View VentureRadar Profile] [View Similar Companies to Resalis Therapeutics]
Amyl Therapeutics
Amyl Therapeutics is developing a technology platform to bind various types of amyloid fibrils and induce their clearance, potentially offering a breakthrough approach to treating protein misfolding diseases. The therapies use a novel mechanism to bind to the amyloid fold of toxic protein aggregates of various types, including antibody light chain (AL) or transthyretin (TTR) aggregates, which accumulate in peripheral organs to cause systemic amyloidosis diseases, but also amyloid-β (Aβ), Tau, and α-synuclein aggregates, which accumulate in the brain to cause Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease…. [Read full post] [View VentureRadar Profile] [View Similar Companies to Amyl Therapeutics]
Comanche Biopharma
Comanche Biopharma is developing novel siRNA (Small interfering RNA) compounds to treat preeclampsia via gene silencing. According to the company, the burden of preeclampsia is substantial and growing in frequency and severity. It results in 10 million patients worldwide with more than 500,000 infant and nearly 80,000 maternal deaths every year…. [Read full post] [View VentureRadar Profile] [View Similar Companies to Comanche Biopharma]
Anturec Pharmaceuticals
Anturec Pharmaceuticals is a German anticancer drug development company which was founded in 2020 based on research carried out at University Hospital Muenster. The company’s target is aminopeptidase N (CD13) located on cells of the tumor vasculature and some tumor cells, but absent from most mature blood vessels. The company’s founders have designed and studied truncated tissue factor (tTF) with a C- terminal GNGRAHA peptide (tTF-NGR) binding to CD13 and causing tumor vascular thrombosis with subsequent tumor infarction. The company is currently carrying out a Phase II/III study for patients with soft tissue sarcoma…. [Read full post] [View VentureRadar Profile] [View Similar Companies to Anturec Pharmaceuticals]
Quris is developing a fully automated, self-training AI platform designed to better predict clinical safety and efficacy for new drug candidates. The first drug developed on the platform addresses Fragile-X Syndrome, a common inherited cause of autism…. [Read full post] [View VentureRadar Profile] [View Similar Companies to Quris]
Regain Therapeutics
Regain Therapeutics is pursuing a new treatment approach for Alzheimer’s disease which focuses on replenishing soluble amyloid-beta peptides in the brain rather than removing the corresponding accumulation of amyloid plaques…. [Read full post] [View VentureRadar Profile] [View Similar Companies to Regain Therapeutics]
NextRNA Therapeutics
NextRNA Therapeutics was founded to pursue non-coding RNAs as a new class of therapeutic target for diseases including cancer, infectious diseases, and autoimmune disorders. Originally developed in the Novina Lab at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, the company says its approach has the potential to address a broad range of diseases including cancer, infectious diseases, and autoimmune disorders…. [Read full post] [View VentureRadar Profile] [View Similar Companies to NextRNA Therapeutics]
Signet Therapeutics
Signet Therapeutics is developing targeted small molecule cancer drugs using novel disease models. Signet has developed a unique platform of novel disease models based on real-world cancer genomics data to simulate drug effects in 3D organ tissues that bear a closer resemblance to human biology and produce pharmacodynamics data with higher relevance to clinical performance…. [Read full post] [View VentureRadar Profile] [View Similar Companies to Signet Therapeutics]